3D Scanning at dFab

3D scanning is the process of capturing and analysing real-world objects to construct high-resolution digital models. With the assistance of light projectors, cameras, and scanning software, physical objects are translated into digital point clouds, 3d surfaces and meshes.

Access & Training

At dFab 3D Scanning can be accessed in 2 ways;

  1. Service Bureau All service bureau requests are processed by dFab staff. For 3D scanning, this includes; scanning, alignment and shape fusion. This does not include mesh editing.

  2. Self Service After attending a practical demonstration, scanners can be booked via Skedda.

dFab 3D Scanners & Scanning Guides

ScannerTypeResolutionObject Size

HP SLS Scanner


Up to 0.05% of object size (up to 0.05mm)

small - medium (30-240mm)

Artec EVA



medium (>100 mm)

Artec Space Spider



small - medium

Last updated