Clean Up, Alignment & Fusion

Click the Shape Fusion Tab to view scanned files.

Save File

After completing a scan sequence always save your file.

Project Menu → Save File (Ctrl+S)


Once scans have been deleted they cannot be recovered. Before cleaning scans you may like to create a duplicate file preserving all raw scans.

The clean scans tools should be used to delete floating points and useless background data.

  1. Select unwanted parts of the scan using the Select Triangles tool. You can invert your selection by clicking Invert Selection

  2. Click Delete Triangles or use the delete / backspace key to remove all selected triangles


Once objects are scanned. HP Scan will automatically attempt a global alignment. If scans do not have any object alignment, use the Arrange 1D or Arrange 2D tools to place scans in a workable state.

It is recommended to work with 2-3 scans at a time. All other scan results can be turned off in the List of Scans using 👁View

  1. Align pairs of scans using one of the following alignment methods;

Free Alignment Control Pair Selection

  1. Select Free from the dropdown list.

  2. Check Control Pair Selection

  3. Click Align Scans

  4. You will then be prompted to click a specific point on one of the scans.

  5. Once clicked you will be prompted to click a similar point on another scan to which the first scan will be aligned.

Pair Fine Registration (works best for very obvious points of similarity in shape or texture)

  1. Select Pair Fine Registration from the dropdown list

  2. Click Align Scans The software will attempt an automatic alignment.

2. Once a Free or Pair Alignment has been completed, use the Global Fine Registration to make minor alignment adjustments.

3. Combine the scans. This will group the pair of scans allowing further alignments to impact all grouped items. (Scans can be uncombined if necessary)

  1. Select both in the List of Scans dropdown,

  2. right-click and select Combine Selected Sans

4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 on remaining uncombined scans.

5. Align all combined scans using Free or Pair Alignment.

6. Run Global Fine Registration on all scans

If there are sections of the object missing after this alignment process, further scans are required. Return to the Scanning tab and complete a new scan sequence. It is best to re-orient the object and complete either; a full 360⁰ scan OR a number of single scans focussing on the missing faces.

Generally, a model will require 2 full 360⁰ scans to ensure the sides, base, and top of an object are fully captured.

All new scans will appear in the same Shape Fusion workspace complete all steps of Clean Up and Alignment


  1. Ensure all scans you would like to fuse are visible using 👁View

  2. Set resolution value. High values will result in more defined meshes, however, may take significantly longer to process.

  3. Set sharpness value. The sharpness value will influence how tightly fused surfaces fit the 3D scanned point cloud. Values < 1 will result in smooth meshes. Values >1 will result in noisy surfaces (necessary when scanning objects with lots of small details)

  4. Click Fuse to begin shape fusion. This may take several minutes to complete. When fusion is complete, export your fused 3D object into an OBJ, STL, or PLY file by using the Export button.

Additional Features

  1. Select a scan and set as the Test Object.

  2. Select an additional scan and set it as the Reference Object.

  3. Enter the desired tolerance in millimetres

  4. Click Compare

  5. Add data tips on the reference scan with Add Reference Marker [+]

A-B Distances

A-B distances allow you to measure the difference between two surface points. This distance can be between 2 surfaces or the distance between points on a single surface.

  1. Under the A-B Distances menu, click Add Distance (+)

  2. Select a point on a surface for point A

  3. Select a point on a surface for pint B

Last updated