Skedda FAQ

Updating your skedda account

Step 1. Access your Profile by clicking the profile icon in the bottom left corner 👤

Step 2. Under organization, add your full monash email address this includes (staff) or (student)

Why does my email look different?

When your account is created, you may notice your Monash email address does not look correct (eg. This has been done to protect your data. All emails and communications from Skedda will be redirected to your regular Monash email address.

Why can’t I see the space I want to book?

If you do not have access to a particular space or piece of equipment, one of the following is likely the cause;

  • You are not a MADA staff member/ student

  • You are not signed in to your Skedda account

  • Incorrect Registration for Skedda SSO - Okta must be used when registering

  • Equipment is not bookable via Skedda

  • Training has not yet been completed All training programs must be completed in their entirety

  • Training has not been processed by the workshop this may take up to 2 business days from training completion

Workshop Access

Visit the relevant workshop page to learn more about training programs and requirements

  • Digital Fabrication Workshop (dFab)

  • Wood and Metal Workshop (WaM)

  • Hot Workshop (HOT)

  • Image and Paper Based Studios (IPB)

How do I make a booking?

To make a booking,

  1. Click the plus (+) sign in the bottom right corner or click the space and time you would like to book.

  2. In the pop-up dialog, adjust the booking date & time and ensure sure you are booking the correct space/equipment

  3. Once you are happy with your booking information, click confirm and your booking will be added to the calendar

Your booking is now visible on the booking calendar. All personal information will be hidden from other users.

Why can't I make a booking?

If you cannot book a selected space, ensure;

  • You are signed in to your Skedda account

  • You have exceeded the maximum daily / weekly booking quota Booking error message will outline the daily/weekly allowance. Contact dFab if you require additional time on equipment

  • Someone has just booked your allocated time

How do I cancel my booking?

To cancel,

  1. ‌Click the down arrow (∨) on your booking

  2. Click Cancel your booking

Bookings must be cancelled at least 1hr in advance.

Last updated